I Made A Cheesecake!

Okay, I have never made one before and similar to the previous post, I am putting this here for a couple of reasons.  The first, however, is so that I don’t forget!  As we age, our memory tends to falter especially with excessive amounts of scotch!  SoooOOooo, where was I?


Mad props to this recipe as it was dead simple and quite delish and I say that because I generally don’t like cheesecake.  (If you don’t like it, why did you make it?) Well, I made it on a whim – okay?!?  This is not entirely true.  I had the last of our fresh wild Michigan blueberries, farm fresh eggs (foreshadowing) from our CSA and an aging gluten-free graham-type pie crust.  So, that’s why!  I did make some augmentations which I will describe in a minute but I have to share what happened!  You will be glad that I don’t have pictures! Smile

So, this recipe calls for 2 packages of room temperature cream cheese and 4 full eggs + 1 yolk also at room temperature.  Done!  I followed the directions and cracked each egg individually into the stand mixer and blended it together.  When I got to the yolk, I remembered that we had an egg white in the fridge from my wife’s baking the previous day.  Since I was going to do another separation, I went and got it out of the fridge.  We do own an egg separator but being the manly chef (yeah right) that I am, I decided I would crack the egg in my hand to separate the yolk from the albumen. 

I am going to admit that the task lighting in my kitchen is terrible.  I only have a small work surface and the light is on my back which creates a shadow on what I am doing.  The house does have a good amount of windows but since it was nighttime, no love there.

I cracked the egg into my hand over the bowl and threw the shell into the trash.  When I looked at my hand to check the process, it appeared that I might have cracked the yolk.  This would have been par for the course for me.  When I moved my hand over the sink to inspect my work I found a tiny chicken fetus in my hand.  I examined the bowl to catch the albumen and it was a puddle of blood.  THANK GOD this wasn’t one of the eggs I cracked directly into the mixer – that would have been DIS-GUST-ING.  The subtitle of this post could be – A Rooster Got Into The Hen House.

Alrighty then!  Augmentations (besides not including chicken fetus or blood):

First, 8oz of fresh blueberries.  I suppose frozen would work too but I had fresh on hand!  I figured that the lemon and the blueberry would be great complements – I was right IMO!  The link does not include berries but I figured I’d give it a shot.

Second!  I took the lemon zest and put it in the sugar and mixed it together to let the oils soak into the sugar.  Personally, I think this recipe might be better with Meyer Lemon or even Citron but I digress!  I let the zest sit in the sugar for about an hour.  I found that there was great lemon flavor in this but I have to admit that I used the zest of a whole lemon that was on the large side.  Again… bold… flavors…

Everything else was from the instruction set in the link.  Did you know that you can freeze cheesecake?  I didn’t know but Dr. Google did!  My wife and I could only eat about 1/2 of it so we decided to freeze the other half before it went south.  At any rate, enjoy!  I hope there are no chicken fetuses in your eggs!


In brief... budding blogger, SQL DBA, home chef, studio musician (guitar/pedal steel), amateur photographer, husband, father, dog owner, scotch drinker and all around crazy person.

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